Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Built Stubbornly on God's Foundation

Our congregation emphasizes what it means to follow Jesus Christ in the world today - as disciples. We are called to a living faith, a deeper and more courageous understanding of what it means to follow our God - in the way we love, and forgive and extend the mercy of Christ toward others.

It's a direct connection, this love of God as it's played out in our love of others. It's the foundation of discipleship. You love God as much as you love others (especially the least). You experience the forgiveness of God only as much as you forgive those who harm you. You rejoice in the promise and blessing of God, only as well as you share these gifts generously with others.

If you think about it - it really stinks! I mean, why can't we love God independently of the love extended toward our enemies? This connection is so direct and foundationally profound, that Jesus can proclaim: When you do it to one of the least of these my Brothers... you do it to me.

Our discipleship is built on three responses to these questions:
What do I believe?
Why do I believe it?
And, how is my faith lived out in my daily life?

The answers we give are not the verbal ones that the world requires - but rather the answers are most clearly exposed in our priorities, faith, commitments and where we find a discover our meaning and purpose in life. What becomes key to the life of faith is - prayer, study, worship, invitations, encouragement, service and giving generously to others.

May God strengthen us in our journey of faith, as we move toward a walk of discipleship that exposes our love of God through our love of others.

Christ's Peace,
The Pastor

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