Monday, February 20, 2012

IN Lent, But Not OF Lent

Each year, as we approach the 40-day season of Lent, I am reminded of the way the church talks about this season - unlike any other.  As the weeks of the Easter season go by, you will see that we are in the "Second Sunday OF Easter," for instance.  But not Lent.  For this season, we are "IN" it, but never "OF" it.

It reminds me of the way our Lord speaks of sin, and the world in which we live, of the arguments that divide us, or the temptations that pull away our focus on God.  These are all things that we go through, that we are apart of - but we are to strive to never have them define who we are, never are they to claim our lives in any foundational way - never are we to become a part OF them in any significant way.

The season of Lent is a powerful journey, if you are willing to open your heart wide enough to allow the truth of God to enter.  But be careful!  It is not a truth that seeks to comfort, or confirm where you are, or validate your opinion of yourself.  It is not a truth that seeks to accomplish your will, but rather to bend and break you toward the will of God.  It is a truth that you need to crawl toward, instead of walking proudly upright.  It is a truth that comforts you when afflicted - but won't hesitate to afflict you when you get too comfortable.

It is a journey that leads us to the cross - and so to suffering, and betrayal, and the burden of bearing the cross that is laid upon our shoulders too.  But ultimately, it is a journey that leads us to the only source of life, and hope, and forgiveness and love - as our lives are not defined by the things we bear, but rather by the One who bears them with us.  May we always discover new life, as we become OF Christ.

Christ's Peace,
Pastor Rick

Monday, February 13, 2012

                                            Transfigured to Bear The Cross

The Transfiguration of Christ happens at the top of a mountain.  All of the greatest revelations and interactions with the Almighty happen on the top of mountains.  When you're reading along in the Bible and the scene moves to a high place, get ready - God is about to say something important, share a new set of laws, or fulfill the old ones!

What is said to Jesus is the confirmation of who he is, what he is being called to do - and the power of God is bestowed to accomplish the task.  "You are my Son, the Beloved, with you I am well pleased."  And then a word to the disciples (and each one of us): Listen to him.

Great! the disciples think.  This is fantastic!  Finally a confirmation that the one we are following is "The One."  Peter suggests that they build three permanent shelters and camp out - Let's experience this "mountain top experience" for as long as we can.  Maybe we can change the world from up here!?  Right?
Nope, says Jesus.  That's not the confirmation I've received.  We need to travel to Jerusalem now, to the cross, to my suffering and death... and finally, to the new life that will be lavished upon the entire world.

This week marks the end of the season of light (Epiphany) and the transition to the season of darkness - Lent.  You are invited to journey to the one place you would rather avoid... to the broken relationship that needs mending, to the person you treat as a leper, to the one who holds up a mirror to your judgmental self-righteousness.

This is Your Cross.

Family begins at church.
Transformation begins in faith.
And the cross awaits us all, no matter how hard we try to avoid it.